Thu, May 15 - Sat, May 17, 2025

NEQ Lime Rock Park 2025

Lime Rock Park

About this event

Lime Rock Park

High Performance Driving School
May 15-17, 2025

Thursday will be an Solo Student and Instructor Day with 2-hours of time all in the afternoon.  Friday and Saturday will be the traditional full-day all abilities event. Sign up for Thursday only, Friday and Saturday together, or all three days.

  • First time at a high performance school?  Sign up for Friday and Saturday.
  • Been running advanced or high level intermediate?  You're probably go to good for Thursday too (subject to eventmaster approval)
  • Not sure if you qualify for the Advanced Day?  Contact the eventmaster prior to signing up...and prior to February 1, as this event typically sells out quickly!

    Don't own an Audi? All makes and models of vehicle that conform to the ACNA Vehicle Requirements are welcome.

NEQ instructors who sign up for all three days will be given priority over others should the advanced day sell out.


Registration Fees

Solo & Instructor Thursday:

  • Students: $445
  • Instructors attending 3 days: $395

All Abilities Friday & Saturday:

  •   Students $695 per student for both days
  •   Instructors: There is no cost for instructor registration for this events

 Don't delay, this event usually sells out quickly


What is a High Performance Driving School?

The purpose of a driving school is quite simple: to improve your driving skills. We conduct the school on a racetrack under the close supervision of experienced and trained instructors. You will learn how to handle and control your vehicle at speeds not normally attained on public roads. This will help to prepare you for emergencies in normal driving. It will also allow you to explore your capabilities as a driver and those of your vehicle in a controlled environment. At no time will you be encouraged to go any faster than is comfortable. All participants will be organized into run groups in accordance with experience, skill, and type of vehicle.

What you learn on the track depends on your driving skill. Beginners are taught driving style (smoothness, consistency, the ability to read the track), more experienced participants continue to work on consistency, while developing new skills such as trail braking and threshold braking. As a beginner, every time you are on the track, you will have an experienced instructor with you in the passenger seat.

For experienced drivers, you can be “signed off” and drive solo when you have proven to your instructor and the Chief Instructor that you understand the basics of high speed driving, you can consistently drive the correct line, and you show proper etiquette on track. Maturity, good judgment, skill, and significant experience will lead to being signed off for solo driving.

Though you are on a racetrack, other drivers of similar driving skills, it is not a race. Passing in corners is not allowed, and you are not expected to shift at redline, or go screaming through each corner with the tires squealing. Safety of the event is of the utmost importance. Driver conduct will be diligently monitored throughout the day by the staff, instructors, and corner workers.

Track Time

Thursday (Advanced/Solo). This is a 1/2 day event with track time shared amongst two run-groups, advanced/low HP, and instructor/high HP. Starting at 1pm, you'll have four 30-minute sessions, a total of 2 hours. 

Friday / Saturday.  You will have four on-track sessions each day varying from 20-30 minutes each. At the end of the 2-day event you will have had between 3-4 hours on-track over the two days. That’s a lot of driving time and a lot of personalized high-quality instruction.


Your day is divided between driving on the track, classroom sessions, and free time. Yes, this is a school, and there is mandatory classroom time. All participants are required to attend classroom sessions throughout the day to learn vehicle dynamics and driving techniques.

In the classroom, you learn a lot of high speed driving theory. Learn about the difference between an early and late apex. You’ll get a better understanding of car dynamics so you understand what is really happening when you brake or why your car understeers or oversteers in certain circumstances. Each classroom will also include an opportunity for Q&A.

Do I need to own an Audi?

We welcome all makes of cars  -- you don't have to drive an Audi to enjoy our events.  This school is an excellent way for you to improve your driving skills and have fun too!  

All participants must simply be members of the Audi Club of North America (ACNA).  There is a $49 fee for annual membership. To join or update your membership, please go to the ACNA website ( and click on "Join ACNA" at the top of the page.

First Time Students

Our club is a friendly community of individuals who share a passion for driving their cars.

We know what it’s like to drive on a race-track for the first time and we customize your experience to make it an enjoyable as possible. We love welcoming first-timers to our events and we have a good number of first-timers at each one – you will not be alone.  Your novice classroom teacher and your personal instructor are ready to make you comfortable and give you the tools and confidence to enjoy driving your car on the race-track. Don’t forget – this is not competition driving. There is no overtaking in corners or racing other cars. This is all about having a safe and enjoyable experience.

We have some restrictions on driving convertibles and you will need a helmet. Requirements are on the next page. We have rental helmets available if you need one. Should you have any questions which are not answered on this page, please contact us and ask. We want to make you comfortable and we’re happy to talk with you. Use the "Contact Host" button on the right side of this page.

This YouTube video shows even more about events with our club.



At each NEQ Club event we host a banquet. It’s always a fun time and an opportunity to meet other club members and their families. The banquet will likely take place at the Interlaken Inn starting at 6:30pm on Monday night.

Banquet Fee is $70 when purchased online during registration or $80 on site.


Here are some hotel suggestions:

Interlaken Inn, Lakeville, CT (site of the banquet)

The White Hart Inn, Salisbury, CT  

Wake Robin Inn. Lakeville, CT  
Apply the code LRP to any online booking at Wake Robin for $20 per night off on any room (including suites), any open nights

A Meadow House B&B, Lakeville, CT

Sharon Country Inn  Sharon, CT

GreenWorks at Lake Hollow



Interested in attending or have other registration questions?

Please continue through to the next page for more information about the event and helmet and technical requirements. Contact Eric Galvin,  with any event related questions

Check here, Facebook, or the NEQ website for updates on this event.


Event requirements

Age Requirements:

Participants must be 17 years of age or older.

86db Max Sound Restriction

Please note that Lime Rock enforces a strict sound limit of 86db.  If you have a modified car (stock street cars are not an issue) it is your responsibility to ensure you do not exceed this number.  The volume is monitored at various spots around the track. Your will be given a chance, maybe two, to modify your car if you are black flagged for a noise violation. There will be no refund for any case that a a vehicle violates the noise restriction and is sent home.


General Track Event Information:

Information that applies to all on-track driver education events. Be sure to study all of this information before attending any NEQ track event.

- Clothing
- Vehicle Requirements
- Tech pre-inspection
- Open Top Cars: Open top car owners read this section carefully!
- Track Terms
- Tires
- Helmets: A helmet with a SNELL SA2015 or SA2020 rating are the only helmets that may be used.
- Flags

Tech Pre-Inspection:

Well in advance of any on-track driving event, you'll need to get your car pre-inspected by a competent mechanic, who will have to provide a completed and signed copy of the Safety Inspection Checklist form for you to bring with you to registration. Please get your car inspected at least two weeks before the event to avoid disappointment if the inspection uncovers repairs that must be completed before the car will pass.

The Northeast Region of the Audi Club (NEQ) recognizes several Audi-VW tuners and service centers. They are NEQ supporters with years of experience and scores of satisfied customers. As a benefit for NEQ members they will provide free tech pre-inspection for applicants of our schools. Bring your Safety Inspection Checklist form. After inspection they will sign your form to be sure you are eligible for our event. Naturally there will be a charge for any parts or labor that are additionally required to prepare your vehicle. Two of these sites are APR distributors. They are all participants of our events with much experience in regard to car preparation and advice for upgrades. You will also be happy with the services of any Audi dealership but may utilize another dealership or full-time automotive repair shop at whatever rate you agree to . Be sure to call for appointments well in advance of an event.

 For further information on this event and all NEQ events and requirements, please visit our website at


Lime Rock Park

Lakeville, CT
Buy virtual track walk
Buy virtual track walk


HPDE organized by

Audi Club NA - Northeast Chapter

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NEQ Lime Rock Park 2025

Thu, May 15 - Sat, May 17, 2025